If you are trying to find the one forex currency trading advice that can really break the bank, then you may be in for a huge let down. Like all successful business ventures out there, there is no miracle product that can declare the easiest bid to get rich. And I am giving you this information upfront just to let you know that the greatest "forex currency trading advice" is really a series of shrewd thinking, perfect timing and relentless pursuit of profits on your part.
Saying such, here are a number of things to consider.
Take full advantage of software applications available to you.
Often, when you download forex software program, there are several applications that act as a tutorial or even as a demo program. The one big mistake that many of us do is that we try the applications once (or twice) or only until we get the hang of things. However, it should be noted that the more you utilize these applications, the more you will see how forex trading really works.
Most of the demo applications can help you scour the financial markets for likely investments. It can also give you information on market trends, and get you pips on a regular basis. Practice your trading skills on these, and learn what investments or markets are actually earning you money, and which ones to avoid altogether.
Listen and scout around for advice but make the final decisions on your own.
You could always visit forums and ask for advice. You certainly won't find free forex trading advice lacking. However, you should know that not all advices are sound (or even sane.) Try not to rely heavily on such advices, but do substantial research on your own. And act only in accordance to what you think is right.
Follow your own system.
There may be a number of so-called "experts" spouting off their own secrets to success; (not much of a secret, really.) However, as a forex trader, you should be able to create and follow your own path to riches. Follow whatever methods work best for you, and you should be off to a great start.